David & Ryan

David & ryan

Lining up meetings with several wedding planners, we met Tony first. All the others failed to reach his level of understanding of our ideas, sophistication for the event we had in mind and general enthusiasm to make our wedding happen. While gay weddings happen every day, ones with 200+ guests and large, diverse families are not the norm. Extreme Elegance embraced every dream we had for the day and brought plenty of new ideas and suggestions to the table.

After 2 meetings to get to know us better, we asked Tony to narrow choices to make selections easier and more focused. He shared with us that he has worked with many wedding and event specialists over the years. With that knowledge and experience, Tony recommended key partners that he knew well, trusted and felt the connection would work best for our event relative to timing and event size. Every partner in the creation of our wedding- flowers, bakery, DJ, caterer, hotels, transportation, etc.- was at the top of their game and delivered exactly what we expected. I truly believe that delivery was due to their relationship with Extreme Elegance and reputation they have built in the wedding and event space.

We wholeheartedly recommend Extreme Elegance- Events by Tony for any wedding or event planning you require.

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