
Sami & Joe

My wife and I hired Tony as our wedding planner through a family friend’s recommendation and it was one of the best decisions we have made. Before choosing Tony, we met with other planners but quickly selected him because of his attention to detail, standard for high quality, and warm personality. Throughout the process he helped plan the perfect wedding, made sure everything ran smoothly, especially on our wedding day and became a part of our family in the process! Tony did a fantastic job, and it became truly clear that wedding planning was a true passion and much more than a job to him.

Our wedding was at the Bently Reserve in San Francisco, and we wanted an elegant yet fun ambiance. Tony was on the same page from the beginning when it came to the design and feel we were looking for. He spent a lot of time with us and made sure to bring in the best vendors in the area utilizing his many years of experience and established relationships. Tony was always available including late nights, weekends, and attended every vendor meeting. Our big day couldn’t have been more perfect and we can’t thank him enough. We love Tony and look forward to hiring him for future special events!

Stats + Experience


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